Successful Grants from City of Sydney

We are thrilled to announce that Potts Point Partnership has been successful in our application for grants in the latest round of City of Sydney Grants. This will help support our work with the business community of our precinct.

First off the rank: Shop Late 2021 – 2022
Festivals & Events (Village & Community) Grant

For three events over December, January and February with respective themes of Christmas, Summer and Mardi Gras. The grant will cover the cost of event management, technical and infrastructure costs, promotional items. A Fitzroy Gardens activation will be part of the February Shop Late event and the Glittering Mile events calendar.

All year round: Business Support Grant  2021- 2022

This grant will be used to activate workshops suitable for small business who want more information about how to more effectively use social media for small business marketing, wellness & mental health practices in business and other relevant topics.

Also our monthly networking events at local venues with discussion on specific topics relevant to the business community plus a chance to meet other small business people.  Plus the engagement of a Project Manager to manage membership subscriptions, our social media platforms and produce this newsletter.

FEBRUARY 2022: Mardi Gras Special Event: Oxtravaganza + Glittering Mile
Festivals & Events (Village & Community) Grant

This grant will be used to stage a new event as part of Oxtravaganza – the famously decadent Darlinghurst celebration the week prior to the Mardi Gras Parade – in Potts Point.

Activation’s will include a Twilight market with food & beverages; Crafty Dining – Camp As PoPo’ a tour of retailers & small bars with dining walk specialists The Sydney Connection; banners & fairy lights on Darlinghurst Road,  the original Glittering Mile.